Artistic Policy

Rage’s Mission...

Is to tell stories


Stories that will make people think

Stories that will entertain

Is to give others the opportunity to tell stories.

Giving people the opportunity to equip themselves for the next step in their life.

Through film, theatre, music ……



Artistic Values

Rage Arts is defined by its artistic, community and education work.

It is at the heart of what the company is and what it does.

We believe that people can gain self esteem & confidence and learn skills to help them take the next step in their life whether that is to continue in education, seek employment or to take the next step in their careers
through taking part in the arts.

We strive to produce work of the highest quality and to give others the opportunity to do the same.

We seek to tell stories and give others the opportunity to tell their stories.

We strive to create work that will provoke ideas, thoughts, questions about yourself and the world stir your emotions & spark your imagination.


1.    To bring to life stories that need to be told and to assist other in the stories they wish to tell.

•    Through creating productions using film, theatre, music and giving others the opportunity to do the same.

2.    To develop the Story Works

•    Where people can create stories.

•    Where people can get help to create their stories.

3.    Support artistes in their development

•    Through providing them with advice, expertise and equipment to support them in development of their own productions.

•    Through producing their work to a high level

•    Through giving them the opportunity to take part in productions

4.    Support people in their personal development

•    Giving them Self esteem & Self Confidence

•    Giving them skills to help them take the next step in education or employment or life

•    Through theatre, film, music projects

5.    To introduce thousands of young people to the magic of theatre. To increase the profile, status and success of Rage’s original new work for children

•    Through touring exciting new productions for young people.

6.    To continue to develop collaborations within the theatre industry.



If you'd like to support our work you can make a one off donation or if you would like to support our work on going you can become a friend of Rage Arts.

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