Since 2000 Rage have run The Rage Ensemble an arts organisation giving people the opportunity to create productions using film, theatre, music....
In particular we have worked with young people aged 16-19 not suited to the traditional education system giving them skills to help them continue in education or gain employment. The Ensemble offers people the opportunity to gain skills to help them in life and or their careers through working with professionals to create their own productions.
For the first three years the company was funded through the DFES innitiative the Neighbourhood Support Fund and ran on a full time basis with company members working towards formal recognition of their achievements with a GNVQ foundation certificate.
We have run Rage Ensemble projects in Birmingham and the Black Country and surrounding areas.
We have been funded through Birmingham and Solihull Connexions, Black Country Connexions, the Home Office, BCEN, Local Network Fund and ESF.
Projects have included a community theatre production of Our Country's Good performed at the Old Rep theatre Birmingham, Balti Rap a community musical, Journeys a multi media production combining theatre and film and a number of short films made with groups in Birmingham and the Black Country.